Tax scams are likely to increase over the next few months. Here’s how to spot one.
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April 18th is fast approaching. Here's how to stay organized so you can get your taxes filed.
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Living on a fixed income can be difficult. Do you know how taxes will affect your financial health in retirement?
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As the saying goes there are two things that are inevitable: death and taxes. And, out of those two sure things, you can only really plan for your taxes. It
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The annual meeting is rescheduled to sometime later this quarter and the family reunion is sometime next summer, but like certain holidays and your birthday you
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If you’re trying to decide where to spend (or save) it, here are some ideas for how to make the most of your tax return.
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Donations to charities are a win-win when it comes to filing taxes. You can feel good about helping a cause you care about as well as write off the donations to
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A lot of people are under the impression that tax planning is only for high-wealth individuals. However, like financial planning, just about everyone can